3 tips to increase the number of visitors to your website or blog

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, December 4, 2012 0 Comments
Today Ioffer you a new post and I hope that you benefit
 (3tips to increase the number of visitors to your website or blog)

There are three ways lead to the arrival of visitors to your site
And asks a lot of people on how to increase the number of visitors to his or increase the number of visitors Forum They do not know where it comes from visitors, all they know is the word called SEO or hear about e-marketing, but do not know what they mean and how its practicality and how to help operations Sioux increase preparation of site visitors or forum, hear the word in other forums about the Sioux that site and publicity methods as they call on the operations of the Sioux, try and find that the lack of results and the lack of an increase in the number of visitors

I tell you that when someone wants to find a particular site in order to benefit from the information provided by, or for the purpose of the procurement process, it is up to that site through 3 steps:

 The first step: He had to find the site through search engines and using Google or Yahoo or other search
 Step Two: Using ads to your site on other sites free them and paid
 Step three: up to the site by a friend of his nomination for this site, or read articles talking about your site and your service

There is no doubt that the first way is the best and most successful methods, Any use of search engines and work to create a site to occupy the top order of Google workers
Fa 90% of people who use the Internet, use search engines to get to the sites,
And only 10% use other methods to get to the sites, information and goods online

Had I thought for a moment you will find that 90% and 10% both used search engines
Meaning that the user is using a search engine and here occurs two possibilities
The first: to find your site in the first rank search results
Two: He had to find another site in Advanced mattresses and find an ad or an article for your site

In both cases came to your site through search engines directly or indirectly.

The processes of Sioux need a permanent and continuous operations and marketing activities eBook
In fact, the use of search engines is much better for other means to increase the rate traffic to the site, many business owners, sites and big companies prefer to use techniques search engines for use other than other methods such as mailing lists, articles and ads on other sites and advertising with Google is Per Click Advertising

Pay Per Click or PPC

One last tip to increase the number of visitors to your site or your board
Next to your interest to create the site for search engines, tried to put ads in months other sites, know that the Sioux without marketing ELECTRONIC chances of success is low, and marketing operations eBook is an integral part of the operations of the Sioux and the creation of the site and increase its popularity and the number of visitors, and here conclude the essay, and I hope you have benefited

What is PageRank ? And tips to raise it.

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, November 29, 2012 0 Comments


Meaning of PageRank
PageRank is the rank of your site or your Google search engine for increased PageRank
Increased emergence of the page in the search engine and start from 0 to 9
.And now I will give you tips to increase  PageRank  for your website or blog

:Publish your site in other sites have high PageRank value

Of the best ways to increase the  PageRank  site, but patience and patience because you will not get high  PageRank  and overnight, but it will make a big difference over time.
Whenever put a link to your site in a stronger position you leads to raise your ranking and is a wonderful vote of the popularity of your site, and it is better to be those sites in the same area of your site
But be warned and do not use the programs that you add your site in moments in hundreds of other sites,
Warning to participate in the random exchange links, or comment anywhere on the web, he Amadiat time and effort and Google only cares about the links of high quality and not the quantity of links!

: Exclusive and original content

This is an important issue Fajoarzmyat Google's very accurate and works to reduce the order of the copied content and raise the content of the original, but sometimes suffer even his original content.
As for the exclusive content they increase the confidence of visitors on the site and a large proportion, the back of the site and visitors to become loyal

What is SEO ?

Posted by Unknown On 0 Comments


Do you hesitate to your ear Seo? Do you always show your professional and you say you have to work SEO? Do you want to sail in this world? Seo world, of course.

You must find out the meaning of the word SEO What is it and what is the difference between them and the publicity.

SEO is an abbreviation of the word seo any Search Engine Optimization and its meaning simply creating websites for search engines.
SEO is to create your site to the top ten results of any search engines on the first page of the Google search engine, which we have engaged the Arabs.
There is also a large global engines such as beige, Yahoo and other search engines used by the Internet user access to information and sites through search engine.
Create the site for search engines very important part of e-marketing operations and the success of your site.
There we shall we connect large between Seo and Commercial sites, forums, and this is a common mistake is when most pioneers digital world and I was among those people that sailed in this world, and discovered the secrets buried and which will Osrdha you turn, God willing.

Here we are introduced to the SEO sense and we will identify the steps and conditions and duties in the lesson and the session.

Now what is the difference between seo and publicity process or spread your site
SEO is not a publicity or spread the site because the word publicity or spread launches the product or site ... when is celebrated in other ways such as advertising and publicity paid but Seo means friendship site for search engines, so as to take confidence from the search engines so that offers something useful already for visitors and occupy positions First in the search engines.
Rules and the basics of search engine friendly
You can prepare your site for the search engine and that if you read and followed the latest developments pertaining to the search engines. And also control the content provided by the search engines so as not to expel from the search engines and disregard for your content. Google for example publishes tips for site managers to improve the quality of their, but I know they will not disclose to you about everything that must be
 Good follow-up and ongoing news search engines.
 Identify and mastery of all the tools that can help improve the site in Google and other search engines.
Learn all the necessary conditions applied at the site.
 Continued development of the service your site visitors in the first place.
And there are other conditions other but suffice so much.
As a reminder, the Google you every 3 months change in algorithms used to arrange the positions, so it must be follow-good and unexpectedly good in order not to lose the results reached and find your site after it was at the forefront in a particular word now is that word.
Know how to reach the top's search results on stronger engines like Google, Yahoo and other n by Seo right and proper
To achieve success through the base of the Center Configuration confidence I have a global search engines there are two ways:
 Free way for by creating Moqek to search engines by using SEO techniques and processes and the selection of the right words and sound and Kdlk prepare your pages in line with the rules of search engines like Google, Yahoo and others. We will explain in detail in the next lessons.
Way paid through payment for Google to appear in the first page in total words that you choose or what is known as Google Edwards or pay huge amounts of money to SEO companies or by the PTC ads. Etc. of each of these methods.


What is the html ?

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, November 25, 2012 0 Comments


HTML it is the language used to create Web pages. It is not a programming language in the sense and the classical form of other programming languages ​​as a C. They also do not need to own interpreter Compiler. It is linked to a specific operating system, because it is interpreted and implement directly instructed by a web browser, regardless of the user's system. So they are very simple language, and easy to understand and learn and do not need to prior knowledge of programming languages ​​and structural used. But maybe all you need is a little logical thinking and arrangement ideas.

Html language vocabulary consists of codes called TAGS any tags. They are used in pairs and write the
following formula (from left to right)

: For example tag <B> used to write the words in bold Bold as follows

<B> Text </ B>

And there are some special tags which are used Single such as marking the end of the line <BR> or may use both cases, such as marking paragraph <P>.
We will discuss these tags and other detail while

How to Begin

Does not require writing HTML file any special programs are, as we said do not contain language interpreter program. But we only need to program for simple text editing and processing, and Notepad is located in the Windows meets this purpose. As well as a web browser Netscape Navigator or MS Internet Explorer to preview pages that we design. And you just have to do to save the written text file named extended. Html or. Htm
It is worth mentioning that there are many programs that are used to create pages Html. Without the need to learn the language where the user through a personal page design and containing text, graphics, and tables and then the program they create the appropriate tags and convert these pages from behind the scenes and automatically saved in html. This means that the user's role is limited to just writing and design, without knowledge of the code used. And thus its inability to control any marking or modify the code as needed, only through a return to basic design and re-conversion and conservation by the program. In this way the ease and speed of relatively, but I do not recommend their use for those who wants to learn the language and mastery of them.

. Ends here our induction for HTML


Welcome ..

Posted by Unknown On Monday, November 19, 2012 1 Comments

.. Hello

Welcome to the blog of Pro Learn specialized in the field of computers and the Internet

"Will be with you in the blog "Alaa Ait Yassine

the blog in the beginning . please help in dissemination

Bye / Alaa